評分3.0(239)·免費·商業/生產力Snipisascreen-captureapplicationthatcancapturetheactivewindoworcustomareas.Dragtozoomin/outthescreenshot;addlabels, ...,HowtouseSnippingToolinMac·1.StartuptheJumpsharedesktopapp·2.ClickontheCaptureScreenshotbutton·3.S...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Snip on the Mac App Store

評分 3.0 (239) · 免費 · 商業/生產力 Snip is a screen-capture application that can capture the active window or custom areas. Drag to zoom in/out the screen shot; add labels, ...

Snipping Tool for Mac

How to use Snipping Tool in Mac · 1.Start up the Jumpshare desktop app · 2.Click on the Capture Screenshot button · 3.Select Capture Area and Edit.

What's the best snipping tool for Mac?

The easiest way to use the built-in snipping tool on your Mac is to press Command-Shift-3. That will snip the whole screen and save the ...

Snip for Mac

評分 6/10 (3) · 免費 · Mac OS Snip for Mac, free and safe download. Snip latest version: Capture and annotate screenshots. Snip is a small utility application developed by Tencent.

7 Best Snipping Tools for Mac [2025]

評分 4.3 (21,320) · LightShot is a free and very straightforward snip tool for Mac that allows you to take a quick screenshot, edit it and share it on Facebook and Twitter, all in ... Mac snipping tool · Best Mac snipping too

How to Use the Snipping Tool on a Mac [Full Guide]

So, how do you snip on a Mac with custom settings? Pull up the toolbar by holding down Shift + Command + 5. Then, to the right of the screen ... How to snip on a Mac using... · Custom settings · How to capture videos using...

Best windows snipping tool equivalent for MacOS? : rmac

Command+Shift+5 will bring up a bunch of options. You can capture the screen, a particular window with blurred shadow included, or a portion of the screen.

Is there a snip tool for mac? : rmacmini

Command + Shift + 4 gets you a crosshairs that allows you to select what portion of the screen to snip.

How to Use Snipping Tool on Mac

Press Shift + Cmd + 4 to turn your mouse pointer into crosshairs and select a portion of the screen or a specific window.


評分3.0(239)·免費·商業/生產力Snipisascreen-captureapplicationthatcancapturetheactivewindoworcustomareas.Dragtozoomin/outthescreenshot;addlabels, ...,HowtouseSnippingToolinMac·1.StartuptheJumpsharedesktopapp·2.ClickontheCaptureScreenshotbutton·3.SelectCaptureAreaandEdit.,Theeasiestwaytousethebuilt-insnippingtoolonyourMacistopressCommand-Shift-3.Thatwillsnipthewholescreenandsavethe ...,評分6/10(...
